Mittwoch, 26. März 2003

Flipper hilft den Aliierten

Bei der Minenräumung vor Umm Qasr haben die beiden Delphine Makai und Tacoma mitgeholfen, berichtet CNN.

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Devil's Highway 666 soll umbenannt werden

Diese Geschichte hätte auch in die Abt. "Die haben Probleme..." gepasst:SANTA FE - New Mexico, Colorado and Utah agree that <a target=_blank>U.S. 666 should be renamed, New Mexico highway officials announced Monday. Utah and Colorado joined New Mexico in submitting applications to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials to change the highway to U.S. 393, according to the New Mexico Highway and Transportation Department. Gov. Bill Richardson said he wants to fix the highway, as well as the name. The number has satanic connotations - 666 is the "number of the beast," or Antichrist, in the Bible - and the road is sometimes referred to as the "devil's highway."

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iraq body count

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Bomben auf Bagdad? "music to my ears!"

Findet jedenfalls Kanan Makiya, Exil-Iraker, Professor für Nahoststudien an der Brandeis Universität in Massachusetts, USA, in seinem <a target=_blank>Kriegstagebuch für die "New Republic": The bombs have begun to fall on Baghdad. Iraqi soldiers have shot their officers and are giving themselves up to the Americans and the British in droves. Others, as in Nasiriyah and Umm Qasr, are fighting back, and civilians have already come under fire. Yet I find myself dismissing contemptuously all the e-mails and phone calls I get from antiwar friends who think they are commiserating with me because "their" country is bombing "mine." To be sure, I am worried. Like every other Iraqi I know, I have friends and relatives in Baghdad. I am nauseous with anxiety for their safety. But still those bombs are music to my ears.

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Der Tiger hat die Schnauze voll


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Abt. Baghdad live: A Little More Action

26.3.03, 1000 h -- Quelle: [click pic for live image]

Um unseren Lesern ein möglichst vollständiges Bild vom Irak-Krieg zu liefern, haben wir nochmal eine Live-Cam aufgestöbert. Sie gehört reuters/n-tv und ist offenbar auf dem Nachbarbalkon von cbs montiert. Die Bilder wechseln sich ab mit Live-Einschaltungen von der Front. Mittendrin und live dabei...

26.3.03, 1015 h -- Quelle: [click pic for live image]

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Abt. Bagdad live: Heavy Traffic

<a target=blank> 26.3.03, 0940 h -- Quelle: [click pic for live image]

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Abt. Peace Is For Pussies

Unterstütze die <a>Boycott Cowardly France Campaign und erhalte eine der abgebildeten Belohnungen. Das Portrait von GWB gibts für schlappe 250 $.

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irakisches Helikopterbasteln

Offenbar haben die Irakis den vorgestern gekaperten Apache Helikopter weggeräumt und durch eine Attrappe ersetzt. Die Bomben der Aliierten hätten die getroffen, nicht das Original, berichtet diese russische Quelle: According to satellite reconnaissance it seems likely that the Iraqis had time to remove the captured Apache Longbow attack helicopter of the 11th Aviation Regiment. The pieces remaining at the landing site following a US bombing strike indicate that the bombs hit a crudely constructed mockup.

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