Dienstag, 16. November 2004

collateral damage

(IPS) Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of U.S. military reprisal, a high-ranking official with the Red Cross in Baghdad told IPS that ”at least 800 civilians” have been killed in Fallujah so far. His estimate is based on reports from Red Crescent aid workers stationed around the embattled city, from residents within the city and from refugees, he said. ”Several of our Red Cross workers have just returned from Fallujah since the Americans won't let them into the city,” he said. ”And they said the people they are tending to in the refugee camps set up in the desert outside the city are telling horrible stories of suffering and death inside Fallujah.”
Masters of War, Dylan, 1963
And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead

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Support the US-Left!

(counterpunch) This is two nations, each claiming to be the United States of North America. We cohabit the same territory, sort of like Palestinians and Israelis. But more and more, they are all around us now. We mingle with them at airports and follow them on freeways. They have already moved in next door, perhaps into our own homes incubating down in the basement like the pods in "Invasion of the Body-Snatchers. They are coming in with the fluoridation. Make no mistake about it, comrades; we now live under an evangelical theocracy. Those who are not Born Again will soon get the death penalty. (...) What's left of the U.S. Left has two obligations to the people of the world. One is to oppose Washington's imperialist aggressions, and the other is to both build an electoral alternative and an alternative to elections.

Mark my words! Demnächst gibt's den ersten Soli-Bazar für die US-Linke in Deinem Kirchgemeindehaus!

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Desertionsrate 29%: weiter so!

(<a href=www.nytimes.com target=_blank>NYT) In the last few months, the Army has sent notices to more than 4,000 former soldiers informing them that they must return to active duty, but more than 1,800 of them have already requested exemptions or delays, many of which are still being considered. And, of about 2,500 who were due to arrive on military bases for refresher training by Nov. 7, 733 had not shown up.

Ganz im Sinne von Eminem in "Mosh": "Strap him with an AK-47, let him go fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way!"

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Afghanistan: Hanf statt Opium anbauen!

(BBC) Earlier this year the head of the United Nations drugs control agency said efforts to tackle Afghanistan's growing drugs trade were failing. The UK-based development agency Spirit Aid offers a radical solution to the problem: industrial hemp.

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Abt. Geili Kääre

Das Mansonmobil, unlängst gesichtet auf dem Bruderholz...

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Sony macht ernst: Don't think. Shoot!

(MSNBC News) One of the Marines noticed that one of the severely wounded men was still breathing. He did not appear to be armed, Sites said. The Marine could be heard insisting: “He’s f---ing faking he’s dead — he’s faking he’s f---ing dead.” Sites then watched as the Marine raised his rifle and fired into the man’s head from point-blank range. “Well, he’s dead now,” another Marine said.

Diesen Mord (Video) an einem Verwundete, der übrigens bereits 24 Stunden verletzt dort lag (CNN: When told by the pool reporter that the men were among those wounded in Friday's firefight, the Marine who fired the shot said, "I didn't know, sir. I didn't know." The Marines said they are investigating why the wounded Iraqis were left behind for 24 hours and whether the man was killed illegally. <a href=wireservice.wired.com target=_blank>REUTERS: "I would have shot the insurgent too. Two shots to the head," said Sergeant Nicholas Graham, 24, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "You can't trust these people. He should not be investigated. He did nothing wrong."), untersuchen sie nun, weil hier zufällig ein Journalist zugegen war (Noch ein Mord, der aber wohl keine Untersuchung zur Folge hat, obwohl er ebenfalls auf Video dokumentiert ist). Aber das hat fast schon System!

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Abt. It's not my fault

I don't support yours either, sucker!

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Abt. Welcome home to Fallujah!

(BBC) I spoke to an officer who had been a little way out from the base and he said that cats and dogs are now starting to eat these bodies. It is a quite horrific picture which I'm drawing but that is what awaits the people of Falluja when they come back. (...) The civil affairs people are arriving today with, just for this battalion, $20m to start very rapidly paying out compensation for damage, trying to repair things because they know - the marines know - they're going to be back here again unless they can win those famous hearts and minds. Of course, I don't know how people are going to feel when they see their city and they see the holes in the mosques and they see the destruction that has been wrought by this battle.

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Abt. Slogan der Saison

<a href=www.sony.ch target=_ blank>
Ob in Fallujah auch Sony-Plakate mit diesem Slogan hängen wissen wir nicht. Hierzulande hat's jedenfalls.

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Büsingen auf einen Klick

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"It's tea time!"

Eine 93-jährige Engländerin, deren Haus durch eine Gasexplosion völlig zerstört wurde, zeigte sich über das Unglück völlig verdutzt: «Ich habe nur eine Tasse Tee gemacht», sagte Dorothy Bland aus Newcastle den Rettern. Diese fanden die Dame von Flammen umzingelt in ihrer völlig zerstörten Küche. (sda)

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Abt. Die gute Nachricht


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