Donnerstag, 3. April 2003

Abt. Sars wars

<a target=blank>Cholera in Mogadischu, Sars in Basel: Der Bund hält an seinen Massnahmen für die Schmuck- und Uhrenmesse fest. <a target=blank>mehr...

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Was einen "Coalition Commander" befriedigt:

BBC: Advancing US forces are coming across "a lot of twisted metal and dead bodies", according to British officials. Coalition commanders are very satisfied at what they regard as evidence of extremely effective air operations.

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irak. Latein: De Saddam nil nisi bene

BBC über die gedämpfte Auskunftsfreudigkeit der Bewohner von Umm Qasr: One of the Iraqis returning to work on one of the port's two tugs said he did not want to talk about Saddam Hussein while he was still in power. "The people who spoke out at Safwan to the television cameras, those who dared to talk about Saddam, the ones who celebrated the arrival of the Americans, they are now dead," he said.

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Abt. Krieg ist (absurde) Scheisse I

Gaby Rado, vielfach gelobter Fernsejournalist von Channel 4, ist vom Dach seines Hotels in Sulaimaniya auf den Parkplatz gestürzt. He´s dead.

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