Sonntag, 27. April 2003

Abt. sensible Amis II

yahoo news meldet: Hamburger, Hotdogs und Coca Cola haben am Donnerstag Einzug in den Palast des ehemaligen irakischen Präsidenten Saddam Hussein in Bagdad gehalten. Jay Garner, US-Zivilverwalter für das Land, genoss mitten unter riesigen Saddam-Statuen und mit rund hundert Gästen ein Grillfest ganz nach der heimischen Art.

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extending a wireless LAN without an additional accesspoint or any wireless bridge - using freebsd and NAT

Do it with NAT on the client! After long trials and errors and in the end failing to get a wireless bridge to work using FreeBSD and my wireless hardware, this was my cheap solution to the following problem: I have 1 netgear accesspoint here and an old apple powermac with no way of plugging in an airport-card at my friends. so i took an old laptop running freebsd and inserted 2 PC-cards (1 wireless, 1 wired ethernet then i do NAT (some do it with "natd" and recompiling the kernel, others, like me, without both) on the wireless interface and connect the macintosh to the wired ethernet-card through a crossed cable. what i get: an old mac (, wired to the (NAT-)laptop which is wirelessly connected to my accesspoint that in turn does NAT towards my provider from whom i have an official IP, so that in the end now finally i can surf on the old mac at the friends appartement. got it? sometimes you look way too far for solutions that are really close and simple.

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