Mittwoch, 16. April 2003

Die Fansite für den arbeitslosen irakischen Informationsminister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf ist jetzt wieder online.

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"Do you have blacks, too?" G.W.B. zum brasil. Präsidenten, 2001

Das Logbuch der (un)freiwilligen Versprecher des Präsidenten der letzten Supermacht auf diesem Planeten führt - interessanterweise - das Politmagazin von Bill Gates' Gnaden: "Slate".

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Abt. Must-have des Tages

NY Times

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Welcher Kopf zu ... (cont.)

Christoph Schliengensiefs Reaktion auf die weiter unten beschriebene Emma-Aktion:

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The Bagdad Bank Robbery

Hier die unglaubliche Geschichte vom Bankraub zu Bagdad in voller Länge:

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A bank heist in downtown Baghdad on Wednesday should have presented the perfect opportunity for the new U.S.-Iraqi police patrols to show off their muscle. But thanks to dithering, language problems and the sheer audacity of the robbers, it turned into a farce worthy of the Keystone Kops. By the time a patrol of Iraqi policemen and U.S. Marines arrived on the scene, more than 20 thieves had already made their getaway, firing a victory shot from an AK-47 as they fled. Another three were thrown to the ground by Marines, who taped their arms behind their backs and wondered what to do next. Further down the street, a scuffle broke out as a bag of money was found discarded on the roadside. An Iraqi policeman, armed only with a truncheon, jumped into his battered, unmarked saloon car and went racing off toward the scuffle, leaving his new American colleagues behind. Five minutes later he returned, sprinting at full pace, minus his truncheon and his car. "That's great, that's just great. Now they have a getaway car and we don't even have a vehicle to take these guys to the police station," said Marine Corporal Shane Weeks, pointing to the captives lying face down on the pavement.

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Aus Kacke gebaut!

Karlsruhe (pte) - Klärschlamm aus der Abwasserreinigung soll in Zukunft nicht mehr als Sondermüll deponiert werden, sondern als hochwertiger Baustoff Verwendung finden. Wissenschaftler am Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (ISWW) an der Universität von Karlsruhe haben die neue Alternative bereits erfolgreich getestet. Aus dem unvermeidlichen Abfallprodukt soll nach Ansicht des Wissenschaftlers Hermann Hahn ein neuer effektiver Baustoff werden, der nach dem Vorbild von Blähton (sic!) konzipiert werden soll.

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Abt. Was macht eigentlich...

... der Weihnachtsmann? Ein langes Gesicht in Tikrit.

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Abt. Die Schweine!

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Welcher Kopf zu welchem Pimmel?

ist EMMAs originelle Antwort auf das "das total verrückte Busen-Spiel von BILD".

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Free Abu Abbas!

Palestinian cabinet minister Erekat demands U.S. free Abbas: "The Palestinian-Israeli interim agreement signed on September 28, 1995 stated that members of the Palestine Liberation Organization must not be detained or tried for matters they committed before the Oslo peace accord of September 13, 1993." reuters

Achille L.

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Abt. Gruss vom Tigris

"Xcuse me, Sir. Would you mind my clearing my nostril with the barrel of your gun?"

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