Samstag, 5. April 2003
patpatpat, 5. April 2003 um 21:17:00 MESZ FBI warnt: Al Kaida verweiblicht CBS berichtet über Al Kaida Rekrutinnen: Recent intelligence has the FBI worried that al Qaeda may be recruiting and training women to carry out terror attacks, trying to regain an element of surprise for a network thinned by arrests, officials say. (...) U.S. officials learned of an interview in mid-March in an Arabic-language newspaper in which a woman claimed al Qaeda was setting up training camps to train women to become martyrs. The woman identified herself as Umm Osama, which translates "mother of Osama." "We are building a women's structure that will carry out operations that will make the U.S. forget its own name," the woman claimed in the interview with the Asharq al-Awsat newspaper, based in London. The woman said her job was "to oversee the training of the female mujahedeen affiliated with al Qaeda and the Taliban". ... link (one comment) ... comment
patpatpat, 5. April 2003 um 21:07:07 MESZ Fertig Waffen im Supermarkt... ... link (no comments) ... comment
patpatpat, 5. April 2003 um 19:18:21 MESZ Alliierte setzen Massenvernichtungswaffen ein Der schottische Sunday Herald schreibt: BRITISH and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as illegal weapons of mass destruction. DU contaminates land, causes ill-health and cancers among the soldiers using the weapons, the armies they target and civilians, leading to birth defects in children. Professor Doug Rokke, ex-director of the Pentagon's depleted uranium project -- a former professor of environmental science at Jacksonville University and onetime US army colonel who was tasked by the US department of defence with the post-first Gulf war depleted uranium desert clean-up -- said use of DU was a 'war crime'. ... link (no comments) ... comment
patpatpat, 5. April 2003 um 18:53:58 MESZ Abt. Die haben Probleme... The Daily Star aus Beriut berichtet:Licensing fees and overstaffing are to blame for the radio station Voice of the People’s (VOP) inability to pay its employees, who started an open-ended strike Friday. In the last two months, employees at the station, which is largely owned by the Communist Party, only received half a month’s pay, while many are already owed more than 12 months pay spread over a period of four years, making the situation intolerable and resulting in the strike. (...) Nassereddine said the station had no general manager since Tanios Deaibes left two years ago. He said the radio station has three drivers but no cars, adding that out of the 30 employees that work in the station, only seven are in the editorial room, with the rest in top management positions. ... link (no comments) ... comment
patpatpat, 5. April 2003 um 18:52:48 MESZ Mit Messern und Klauen ABC: U.S. armored vehicles drove through Baghdad on Saturday, smashing through Iraq's Republican Guard to reach at least briefly the ultimate destination of their two-week surge across southern Iraq. In one skirmish, Marines with bayonets battled Arab fighters from abroad in a marsh on Baghdad's outskirts. ... link (no comments) ... comment
DSTOP, 5. April 2003 um 14:35:51 MESZ Von wegen Paintball Gestern berichtete infamy über den Abschuss der Mediengewerkschafterin Denise Chervet mit einem paintballähnlichen Geschoss. Mehr darüber gibts bei Pig Brother. Und natürlich beim Hersteller.
pigbrother ... link (no comments) ... comment
DSTOP, 5. April 2003 um 14:17:38 MESZ Abt. Bagdad live: "No US troops here" 1415 h: Lara von CBS berichtet (zusammengefasst): "I hear the sound of jets in the sky while we are speaking. Artillery battles raging on two sides. But the iraqi forces are still in control of key government buildings and installations, there is no evidence yet of US troops on the ground here. There is no mass exodus from here. Police cars are driving around and waving flags to signalise victory at the airport." Jetzt gehe sie ein paar Stunden in die Stadt. Ein spanisch sprechender Kollege bittet um Licht für seinen Beitrag. "Or do you only put lights on the girls?" Antwort: "Yes, you are too ugly anyway..." ... link (no comments) ... comment
patpatpat, 5. April 2003 um 14:04:50 MESZ Und wieder: Jackpot für Gigi Oeri & Co Sehr geehrte(r) Frau / Herr Oeri, Frau / Herr Hoffmann,
Gratuliere! Sie haben auch dieses Jahr wieder gewonnen! Gestern, am 4. April 2003, wurde Ihnen die Dividende aus dem Geschäftsjahr 2002 für Ihren Anteil am Pharmakonzern Roche ausbezahlt, sollte also spätestens kommenden Montag auf Ihrem Konto sein. Die genaue Höhe verraten wir hier nicht. Nur soviel: <a target=_blank>Der Betrag liegt dieses Jahr zwischen rund Fr. 90'000'000.- und Fr. 190'000'000.-, und damit so hoch wie noch nie. ... link (no comments) ... comment
DSTOP, 5. April 2003 um 13:36:46 MESZ Bagdad live: "Winke, winke!"
5.4.03, 1330 h -- Quelle: [click pic for live image] infamy hat wieder an der n-tv-LiveCam gelauscht. Hier das Protokoll: Unser aller Uli T. zu unserer namenlosen italienischen Kollegin: "Du siehst einfach immer so hinreissend aus, das irritiert mich..." Sie: "Ach..." Er: "Doch, doch! Das kann man doch mal sagen!" Und weiter: "Mein Kameramann war eben total schockiert, als direkt neben uns amerikanische Panzer durchgefahren sind." Sie: "AMERIKANISCHE??" Tilli: "Ja, 100 Prozent!" - "Und die liessen die einfach durchfahren?" - "Ja, die haben die einfach abgewunken..."
Kurz darauf entspinnt sich unweit der Cam eine Demo, von der es aber keine Bilder gibt. Die Iraker rufen: "NO MORE WAR! NO MORE WAR!" Derweil macht sich eine Kollegin von CBS bereit für ihren Beitrag. "Can you please turn the camera? This looks the worst for my hair." Die Menge skandiert weiter: "BUSH, BLAIR ASSASSINS!" - "NO MORE WAR!" ... link (no comments) ... comment
DSTOP, 5. April 2003 um 12:42:07 MESZ English Al Jazeera Is Back ... link (no comments) ... comment
DSTOP, 5. April 2003 um 12:23:23 MESZ Abt. Spam Of The Day ... link (no comments) ... comment |
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