Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Abt. Was gibt's denn heut zu essen? – heute: in Israel

<a href=" target="blank"> Yediot Ahronot

Dem Live-Blog von Al Jazeera English entnehmen wir, dass die Katastrophe in Japan jetzt auch in Israel Besorgnis auslöst. Na, es het, solang's het!

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Abt. Quote of the day - heute: John Beddington

Zuhanden der britischen Botschaft in Tokyo entwirft der oberste wissenschaftliche Berater der Regierung in London am Telefon das folgende worst case scenario im Falle eines Meltdowns in Fukushima:

In this reasonable worst case you get an explosion. You get some radioactive material going up to about 500 metres up into the air. Now, that’s really serious, but it’s serious again for the local area. It’s not serious for elsewhere even if you get a combination of that explosion it would only have nuclear material going in to the air up to about 500 metres. If you then couple that with the worst possible weather situation i.e. prevailing weather taking radioactive material in the direction of Greater Tokyo and you had maybe rainfall which would bring the radioactive material down do we have a problem? The answer is unequivocally no. Absolutely no issue. The problems are within 30 km of the reactor.
Möge er recht haben!

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