Montag, 14. Juli 2003

Abt. Jobsuche

Das beste an der ansonsten vollkommen vernachlässigbaren Suchmaschine namens Biveroo ist die Anzeige der letzten 10 Suchabfragen...

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Abt. Waldmenschen

(<a target=_blank>Living on Earth): There are people who've identified their own wilderness hotspots. You might catch a glimpse of them in wild places across the country, people living illegally in shacks or shelters among the trees. You might describe these forest dwellers as homeless. But that's not how some of them see it. They call themselves wilderness squatters— people living outdoors entirely by choice. Reporter Robin White went in search of some of these people in Northern California.

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Abt. never ending story

click pic.
<a target=_blank>Cognizant of the current lack of information about Iraq and knowing that Iraq will receive increasingly less attention as media sources abandon the country for the newest “hot spot,” an international coalition of peace and justice groups is organizing the Baghdad-based International Occupation Watch Center. The Center will function under the auspices of United for Peace and Justice (, a U.S. anti-war coalition with more than 600 member groups, with participation from a diversity of international groups including Focus on the Global South, Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation, and members of the World Social Forum.

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Abt. wichtige Bücher

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"Benutzervernichtung" von J. Robert Oppenheimer et al. Hätte vielleicht auch G.W.B. schreiben können. Allerdings: Kann der überhaupt?

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Abt. Schwanzlängenvergleich

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Meiner ist... zu kurz! Übrigens in Sachen OS X 10.3 / Panther: Is it true that TextEdit now reads/writes files in a Microsoft Word format? Yes. And it does it quite well.

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Abt. kulinarische "Höhenflüge"

Wie ess ich
eig. bei Fluglinie XY? Siehe dazu

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Bad Joke Monday

There was a family, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, and their baby. Who was the biggest? The baby. He was a little Bigger!

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DNA-Fingerabdruck von Hanf

(<a target=_blank>New Scientist) Forensic scientists in the US are applying DNA fingerprinting methods to the cannabis plant. They say the technique, which is being used to create a database of DNA profiles of different marijuana plants, will help them to trace the source of any sample. (...) Exactly how law enforcement agencies will apply the method remains to be seen. If a link can be established between a user and a grower or dealer, casual users might find themselves in deeper trouble than they bargained for. "If you're buying marijuana from somebody with terrorist ties, it could be traced back to that person," warns Gary Shutler of the Washington State Patrol's crime laboratory division.

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Juli 2003

Für die Kaffeekasse:
Abt. Keintunnel Nicht
vergessen, die Auto-Nerds wollen Milliarden in den Autobahnbau verlochen. Das ist sowas...
by bagger (02.09.24, 09:53)
Abt. Witz des Tages "Es
soll sogar prominente Klimakleber geben, die Flugreisen nicht grundsätzlich ablehnen,...
by bagger (15.06.24, 18:30)
Abt. Wohnschutz schützen Wenn die
Investoren husten, haben Basels Bürgerliche Grippe In einem beispiellosen Akt...
by bagger (15.06.24, 10:21)
Abt. Leckerschlecker The DEA
Northeast Laboratory (New York, New York) recently received a submission of...
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 12:06)
Abt. Wo-Wo-Wochenschau!
Männiglich fragte sich, was eigentlich Fonzis Leihkampffisch so macht. Die Antwort (oben) entnehmen...
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 12:04)
Abt. Schuss des Tages
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 12:02)
Abt. infamous Shooting
Foto: Fonzi Tromboni Gestern abend war grosses Fotoshooting im Studio zu Sankt...
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 11:55)
Abt. Keintunnel CH
Mehr Infos hier:
by bagger (23.09.23, 11:32)