Samstag, 3. Juni 2006

Abt. neulich bei der Cargo Bar

Draussen: "Erscheinungen" (click pic for 3072 x 2304) Drinnen DJ Serge @ work (click pic for 1024 x 768)

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Abt. Chaosradio bei PirateBay

Am Mittwoch hat die Schwedische Polizei PirateBay ausgehoben. Aktuelle News unt Hintergründe in der Sache gibt's bei Chaosradio:

Tim Pritlove talks to Peter who is one of the maintainers and system administrators of The Pirate Bay system which has become the biggest BitTorrent tracker system in the world effectively generating half of Swedens Internet traffic. The system was recently raided by Swedish police after the US government complained about the site to the swedish government. This interview was done two days after this incident happened and while the Pirate Bay System was still offline.

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