Ach wie originell!!!

Die Art Basel Miami Beach lädt zum Puppentheater:
«Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty,» a 60-minute live puppet rock opera, makes its world premiere during the international art show Art Basel Miami Beach (December 2-5, 2004). Devised by the conceptual artist Dan Graham, «Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty» features video by artists Tony Oursler and Paul McCarthy, songs written and performed by Rodney Graham and Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, and music performed live by the «Japanther» band. (...) «Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty» charts the career of 24-year-old rock singer Neil Sky, who is elected President of the United States after instigating teenage riots to change the voting age to fourteen and putting LSD in the Congressional drinking water. But once President Sky retires the over-thirties population to LSD re-education camps, he faces his own unique demise. The opera's tragi-comic narrative is the reductio ad absurdum of the hippies «general politics» as characterized by the 1960s youth slogan: «Don't trust anyone over thirty.»

Och irgendwie ...

... LSD im Trinkwasser des US-Kongresses? Manchmal denk ich schon, dass da was dran ist, dass die Damen und Herren einen wahren Horror- (oder sollte man sagen Terror-)Trip durchmachen?!

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