Abt. Welcome to Hotel Guantanamo

(CBS) Abuse allegations are a core complaint in a habeas corpus petition filed Monday by attorneys for Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi of Sudan, an alleged paymaster for al Qaeda and accused associate of Osama bin Laden who is one of four men charged with conspiracy to commit war crimes. He alleges interrogators at Guantanamo wrapped prisoners in an Israeli flag, showed them pornographic photos and forced them to be present while others had sex. (...) Al Qosi's lawyers said in their petition that Guantanamo interrogations often took place in an area detainees called the "Hell Room," where pornographic pictures were on display. They said methods included "taunting detainees in sexually humiliating ways, including having sex in detainees' presence or having female interrogators rub their bodies suggestively against detainees." (...) Some of al Qosi's complaints echoed others, including that detainees were left in a room with the air conditioner on maximum and "the constant pounding of deafening music." Cases in the congressional report included a female interrogator who climbed onto a detainee's lap and ran her fingers through his hair, and another detainee whose knees were bruised from being forced to kneel repeatedly.
Nebengeleis, aber trotzdem: Wer hier über die Gefangenenmisshandlungen berichtet ist immerhin CBS, eines der drei grossen TV-Networks in den USA.

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