Abt. Neulich in Fallujah

(BBC) Wherever I went, I found broken buildings and bodies - local people and fighters killed on the streets. (...) In the Hasbiyyah area, I counted the bodies of at least six US soldiers lying on the ground. Some of them were badly mangled with various bits blown off. Others were in better condition, as if they had taken small-arms fire. I noticed two of the US soldiers were still clutching their guns tightly across their chests. But most of their weapons were missing. Some of the dead are beginning to rot in the streets. But the living do not exactly smell great either - I have not had a bath for a week. Nor have I shaved.

Bei der Gelegenheit sei wieder mal an diese Geschichte erinnert. Und daran, <a href=www.chicagotribune.com target=_blank>dass immerhin mindestens 200 Iraker desertiert haben, als der Befehl erging, Fallujah einzunehmen. (login & pw bei chicago tribune: kajagoogoo111)

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