Abt. Outing?

Zwei Drittel der Befragten finden es daneben, dass Kandidat Kerry erwähnt hat, dass Dick Cheneys Tochter eine Lesbe ist.

(Washington Post) An overwhelming majority of voters believe it was wrong for Democratic nominee John F. Kerry to have mentioned in Wednesday's presidential debate that Vice President Cheney's daughter was a lesbian, according to the latest Washington Post tracking survey. Nearly two in three likely voters -- 64 percent -- said Kerry's comment was "inappropriate," including more than four in 10 of his own supporters and half of all swing voters. A third -- 33 percent -- thought the remark was appropriate. Kerry mentioned that Cheney's daughter was a lesbian in response to a question from moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS News asking the candidates if they believed "homosexuality is a choice?" After President Bush had answered that he "did not know," Kerry began by saying, " . . . If you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as." After the debate, Lynne Cheney attacked Kerry for raising the issue of her daughter's sexuality during the debate. Both Cheneys have been open about their daughter's sexual orientation, (...)

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