Abt. Was ist eigentlich "the opportunity society"?

"The Opportunity Society" ist eine Worthülse von Tony Blair, die er heute ventiliert hat am Laborkongress:

Not a society where all succeed equally - that is utopia; but an opportunity  society where all have an equal chance to succeed; that could and should be 21st century Britain under a Labour Government. Where nothing in your background, whether you're black or white, a man or a woman, able-bodied or disabled stands in the way of what your merit and hard work can achieve.
Where hard working families who play by the rules are not going to see their opportunities blighted by those that don't. And where if any of our citizens, no matter how poor, is in sickness or need, they get the best care available without any regard to their wealth.(...)
In an opportunity society, as opposed to the old welfare state, government does not dictate; it empowers. It makes the individual - patient, parent, law-abiding citizen, job-seeker - the driver of the system, not the state. It sets free the huge talent of our public servants and social entrepreneurs whose ability is often thwarted by outdated rules and government bureaucracy. It changes how government works, to open up the means of delivery to every resource, public, private and voluntary that can deliver opportunity based on need not wealth.

Mit "Opportunity Society" haben schon <a href=www.georgewbush.com target=_blank>George W. Bush und <a href= target=_blank>andere (die sogar schon anno '95) herumgefuchtelt.

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