Abt. Namensvettern

Im indischen Bundesstaat Kerala ist "Infam" eine Bauernorganisation, die in Kalpetta den "Marsch der Toten" organisiert. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Form des Protestes gegen die Tatsache, dass sich in Kerala zunehmend, wie in Andrah Pradesh schon weit verbreitet, verzweifelte Bauern nach einer Missernete aufgrund der Trockenheit umbringen:
(<a href=news.newkerala.com target=_blank>Kerala News) Their crops ravaged by a drought that hit the state early this year, at least 40 bankrupt farmers in Kerala have committed suicide, according to official figures. Though suicides by bankrupt farmers in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh are common with over 3,000 farmers there taking their lives in recent years, the phenomenon is relatively new in Kerala. Farmer A. Ananathan, 60, committed suicide Thursday in the hilly district of Wayanad in north Kerala. Government figures show 40 suicides by farmers have been recorded since the drought hit the state, devastating cash crops. But unofficial reports say 80 farmers have committed suicide in Wayanad district alone in the last 10 months. To invite attention to the plight of farmers, a novel protest was staged at Kalpetta, the district headquarters of Wayanad Thursday, with thousands of people joining a "March of the Dead" -- a symbolic act to remember the farmers who committed suicide. Activists of Infam, a farmers' organization, carried wreath-laden 'bodies' to the collectorate office at Kalpetta and took an oath to boycott politics.

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