Remember Winds of Black Death?

Das ist immernoch keine Band. Und trotzdem scheinen sich die USA auf deren Tournee vorzubereiten:
U.S. to Buy Anthrax Vaccine
Stockpile Would Permit Mass Inoculations
(Washington Post, 12.3.04) The government is preparing to buy enough experimental anthrax vaccine for 25 million people, a stockpile that would permit mass inoculations in numerous U.S. cities if terrorists launched a broad assault with the deadly germ. The new vaccine would be the most significant addition to the national anti-terrorism stockpile since the Bush administration fulfilled a pledge to buy enough smallpox vaccine for every citizen of the United States. Up to now, there has been little commercial incentive for companies to develop a modern anthrax vaccine, but the new plan would change that, creating a reserve big enough in a year or two to immunize everyone in the New York and Washington metropolitan areas -- or in other cities that might be targeted in an anthrax attack. (...) It's unusual for the government to buy such a large amount of vaccine while it's still experimental, but it's not unprecedented. The Department of Health and Human Services bought millions of doses of a smallpox vaccine that had not been licensed. The theory is that in a large-scale attack, people will want access to vaccines even if they are experimental. Anthrax, by contrast, does not spread from person to person, but the spores can float through the air. The worst-case scenario is that terrorists would make enough anthrax to spray it over cities from airplanes.

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