Abt. infame Esoterik: Handlesen à la russe

Die offizielle russiche Wissenschaftsagentur Informnauka meldet den wissenschaftlichen Beweis, dass das Handlesen zumindest in einem Spezialfall funktioniert: Die Handlinien geben offenbar Anhaltspunkte dafür, ob jemand anfällig ist für eine Fluorvergiftung:
The skin relief and the line pattern on the palm contain valuable information about a person. The researchers are unable to predict future by chiromancy like a foturne-teller does, but they are capable of forecasting the occurrence of some diseases with a high probability. Thus, the Kemerovo geneticists have recently found the indications that allow to judge about persons' predisposition or resistance to fluorosis or chronic fluorine poisoning. This is very important for those who are employed at aluminium works: aluminium production uses melts of salts containing fluorine.

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Februar 2025

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