Na, wer sagt's denn: "The evolution of female promiscuity"

(Imperial College London) Males are natural philanderers, trying to seduce every woman in sight while females are naturally chaste, more interested in having babies than in having sex. Right? Dr Olivia Judson (Bild) debunks this ‘general law’ of nature in a lecture later this month. Speaking to Friends and alumni of Imperial College London, Dr Judson that is a Research Fellow in the Department of Biological Sciences, will show girls in most species, given half a chance, will leap into bed with another guy rather than keep the home fires burning. Drawing on material from her recent book ‘Dr Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation’, Dr Judson will review the historical background of why females were not expected to have, or gain from having, many lovers and go on to show how we discovered this expectation was wrong.
(Bild: Buchcover "Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation" Klappentext:Revealing when necrophilia is acceptable, the best time to have a sex change, how to have a virgin birth, when to eat your lover and who should commit bestiality with whom, Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation is filled with the funny, quirky and informative answers that Dr. Tatiana (a.k.a Olivia Judson) provides in response to the anxious questions of her correspondents.)

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