Toshiba verschenkt AKW

Toshiba, unter anderem Hersteller von AKWs, nötigt der <a target=_blank>Ortschaft Galena in Alaska ein KleinAKW auf. Der japanische Technologiegigant will dem Dorf das Ding schenken.(Anchorage Daily News) A Japanese corporation wants to thrust the Interior community of Galena into international limelight by donating a new, unconventional electricity- generating plant that would light and heat the Yukon River village pollution-free for 30 years. There's a catch, of course. It's a nuclear reactor. (...) Toshiba Corp. (...) calls its reactor the 4S system: super-safe, small and simple. Washington, D.C., attorney Doug Rosinski, who represents Toshiba, calls the reactor a "nuclear battery," although it has nothing in common with the typical AA cell. The power comes from a core of non-weapons-grade uranium about 30 inches in diameter and 6 feet tall. (...) The reactor core would be constructed and sealed at a factory, then shipped to the site. There it is connected with the other, nonnuclear parts of the power plant to form a steel tube about 70 feet long with the nuclear core welded into the bottom like the eraser in a pencil, Rosinski said. The assembly is then lowered into a concrete housing buried in the ground,... (...) "What comes out (of the ground) are two pipes with steam that power a turbine," he said. "You wouldn't even know it's there," except for the steam generator building above it.

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