Sex & Drugs & Rock'n'Roll bei Husseins

Odai Hussein
CBS über den Junggesellenhaushalt von Odai Hussein: The house’s contents also confirmed rumors of the sybaritic habits that long ago put Odai in the disfavor of Iraqi dissenters: a hunger for alcohol, drugs and lots and lots of women. There were bottles of Cuervo 1800 tequila, Danska vodka and Delamain cognac, as well as Chimay, Corona and Miller Genuine Draft beers. Bags and boxes of pills and medicines including ginseng sexual fortifiers, heartburn medication and Prozac, along with an Accu-Rite HIV Antibodies Screening Test Kit littered his offices. Soldiers also found several handgun boxes, signed receipts for sports cars and piles of magazines including “Guns and Ammo” and “Guns” as well as Spanish car magazines and catalogues of JetSkis. In a near-by storehouse, which soldiers dubbed the “crackhouse,” were roomfuls of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. Ballanco estimated the alcohol's worth at $1 million U.S. currency. “You had Dom Perignon, French wines — all appellation controlee (a quality guarantee), some 30-40 years old — a lot of very good brandy, a lot of good whiskey,” he said. “There were boxes of Cuban cigars that said `Odai Saddam Hussein' on them, hundreds of them. My guys smoked them.”

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