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Das wünschen sich die PR-Fuzzies des Global Public Affairs Institute in N.Y. für die Beziehung zwischen im weitesten Sinne forschenden Multis und den Medien. Um die Beziehungsarbeit anzustossen, organisiert das Institut zusammen mit dem Science Media Centre in London am 15./16.5. in London einen Workshop: This conference is hosted jointly by the Global Public Affairs Institute (New York) and the Science Media Centre (London) and is primarily for scientists, journalists and senior public relations and public affairs practitioners working in science-based, technology and biotech industries. The event is sponsored by Abbott Laboratories and Johnson & Johnson. The conference will explore how best to get accurate information into the public domain, so the benefits and possible risks associated with scientific advances can be well understood. It will also look at how scientists can improve their communication strategy; and how PR practitioners can enhance the quality of information flowing to interested groups and the public at large. The Global Public Affairs Institute hosts an annual conference in Europe. Its membership includes some of the world’s most prominent companies, including BP, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, Ford Motor Credit, Pfizer, Shell and Unilever; as well as industry associations such as the Biotechnology Industry Organization and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). The Science Media Centre is an independent body based in London promoting the voices, stories and views of the scientific community to the news media. It aims to help renew public trust in science by promoting a more balanced, accurate and rational coverage of controversial science stories.

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