Abt. Remember Psycho?

Demnächst erscheint von Jeffrey Kottler und Jon Carlson "The Mummy at the Dining Room Table: Eminent - Therapists Reveal Their Most Unusual Cases". Therapeuten plaudern darin aus dem Nähkästchen und erzählen die Stories ihrer ungewöhnlichsten "Kunden". Der Verlag preist das Buch so an: This entertaining book tells the story of the family that mummified their mother and kept her preserved, propped up in front of her favourite television programmes every night for seven years. Readers will also meet the man who wanted to cut his nose off to stop himself smelling cows everywhere he went, and learn about the ingenious methods used to help the man who thought he was The Terminator. From the 3-year-old alcoholic through to the 82-year-old prostitute, these stories include people from all strains of life with a variety of complaints from marriage problems to compulsively eating garbage.

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Februar 2025

Für die Kaffeekasse:
Abt. Keintunnel Nicht
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Abt. Keintunnel CH
Mehr Infos hier: https://www.umverkehr.ch/referendum
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