Abt. Gorbatschows Schuld - heute: am Ende des Kapitalismus

James K. Galbraith, US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, am 22. Juli 2009 an einer Veranstaltung des "International Institute for Global Development" im Hotel Palazzo Terranova, nördlich von Perugia, in seinem Vortrag vor Michael Gorbatschow:

When Homer returns to tell the story of our epoch, he may say that the Russian mathematicians swept out of Muscovy in 1991, presented themselves at the gates of Wall Street bearing the gift of quantitative risk management models. They were received with joy, and they went to work and in twenty years, they destroyed the entire place.

Gorbatschow: I can stand that criticism too because I stood so much so that this I will also take…

Galbraith: I assure you, Sir, that it is not a criticism. I say you will get credit, you will be honored not only for bringing an end to state communism but also for the demise of neoliberal capitalism, the greatest Trojan Horse operation since Troy.

Gobatchev: For that I am ready to applaud.


Galbraiths Originalmauskript (backup: Galbraith Manus (application/pdf, 94 KB) ), Quelle, via.

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