Abt. Plagiat? - heute: H&dM vs. Koolhaas

Soso, ihr findet also originell, was Herzog & de Meuron für die SBB beim Bahnhof, Gundeliseite, hinstellen wollen als "Meret Oppenheim Hochhaus"?

Vom obersten Stock der BIZ aus 2011-09-29 14.33.02

Rem Koolhaas in Rotterdam war aber früher und schneller:

De Rotterdam Rotterdam vanaf de Waterbus

Das Ding in Basel von H&dM (dedizierte Website) sollte vielleicht eher "Rem-Koolhaas'-de Rotterdam-Lookalike"-Hochhaus heissen, statt sich mit dem Namen einer wirklich originellen, eigenständigen Künstlerin zu schmücken!

P.S. Insidern fiel die frappante Ähnlichkeit schon 2011 auf!

P.P.S. The Guardian berichtete 2013 ausführlich über den Bau:

"This is our longest-running project," he [Koolhaas] says, awkwardly folding his tall frame into the bucket seat of his black BMW sports car, as his assistants scramble into a car behind. "It began in 1997, but it only became possible to build it during the financial crisis – when the contractors were cheap enough to do it."
Zum Büroleerstand in Rotterdam steht interessanterweise im Guardian:
"The building is a cynical and brutal monument to the city's delusions of grandeur," says Wouter Vanstiphout, professor of design and politics at Delft university. "While Amsterdam is trying to fill its empty offices, Rotterdam is building more and more, but there's no one to go in them. It is madness when there is 30% vacancy across the city – it follows the same logic as saying, 'Let's build houses, because we need more people.'"
Dieser von Vanstiphout "madness" genannten Logik folgen in Basel Regierung, Verwaltung, die meisten Parteien und die Baulobby sowieso. Der Guardian fährt fort
I put this to Koolhaas, but he shrugs it off. "It's the same across Europe," he says, batting away the idea that he might be fuelling the city's vanity. "Buildings aren't empty for ever, and we've designed this to accommodate any amount of change."
Offenbar kennt man dort das Problem ebenfalls. Wie in Basel, wo derzeit zehntausende von Quadratmetern Büros in Einheiten zwischen 30'000m2 und 20m2 leerstehen...

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