Abt. per aspera ad astra - heute: "Glückauf!"

Die meinen's vermutlich ernst...

The world’s first fleet of commercial asteroid-prospecting spacecraft will be announced at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the Santa Monica Museum of Flying by a new company, Deep Space Industries Inc. Host Geoff Notkin of the Science Channel’s “Meteorite Men” series will introduce the Deep Space founders -- who include leaders in the space field -- and will preview an animated video showing the new spacecraft and the company’s other plans, including a breakthrough process for manufacturing in space. Deep Space is pursuing an aggressive schedule and plans on prospecting, harvesting, and processing asteroids for use in space and to benefit Earth.
... oder klingen einfach sehr von sich selbst überzeugt. Bauernfängerei oder Spacebergbau? Wer grad in der Gegend ist, die PK findet statt hier: "Santa Monica Museum of Flying, 3100 Airport Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90405. Coffee and doughnuts will be served."

Abt. The world is not enough

"..harvesting asteroids..."

Ja klar, wenn das Material auf der Erde ausgeht sucht man sich was neues statt lieber nachhaltig mit der Erde umzugehen... aber was kann denn so Asteroiden-Stein alles?

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Februar 2025

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