Abt. Germanismen - heute: "abseiled"

Den "kindergarten" kennen wir alle. Aber dass "to abseil" abseilen heisst, wusst ich nicht, bis zu dieser Schilderung des "Bin Laden Kommandos" bei der Daily Mail gestern:

The first helicopter hovered over the main house, where Bin Laden was known to live on the top floor. A team of 12 SEALS abseiled the 5ft-6ft down onto the roof, leapt onto a terrace and kicked in the windows.
Beim New Yorker vom 8.8.11 allerdings steht, das mit dem Abseilen, das dort "to fast-rope" heisst, sei gestrichen worden, als der blackhawk down ging auf Bin Ladens Hasenstall:
The pilot scrapped the plan to fast-rope and focussed on getting the aircraft down. He aimed for an animal pen in the western section of the compound. The SEALs on board braced themselves as the tail rotor swung around, scraping the security wall. The pilot jammed the nose forward to drive it into the dirt and prevent his aircraft from rolling onto its side. Cows, chickens, and rabbits scurried. With the Black Hawk pitched at a forty-five-degree angle astride the wall, the crew sent a distress call to the idling Chinooks. James and the SEALs in helo two watched all this while hovering over the compound’s northeast corner. The second pilot, unsure whether his colleagues were taking fire or experiencing mechanical problems, ditched his plan to hover over the roof. Instead, he landed in a grassy field across the street from the house.
Wie auch immer. Bin Laden sleeps with the fish anyway.

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