Abt. #spanishrevolution - heute: Madrid

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Jedenfalls sollen hier überall heute Abend solche Demos laufen, wie jetzt gerade an der Puerta del Sol in Madrid: Im Zweifelsfall: Hashtag #spanishrevolution bei Twitter bringt den stream of consciousness dazu.

Kollege aus Madrid sagt dazu:

wow, man, it's big! there was a march on sunday (i attended), after which around 200 people stayed at the main square in Madrid overnight, but got kicked out by the police. They didn't leave, came back and proposed to meet again yesterday at 20h. The square was crowded and vibrating with more than 1000 people who are furious at these politicians and the tyranny of the markets. I stayed in the assembly until 2 am, and then tonight at 20h and everyday til next sunday (local elections day), the square will flood with people asking for a real change and a real democracy. And that only in Madrid, 20 other cities are in the same situation...!!! Re-vo-lu-ti-on!!

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