Abt. Gut gebrüllt, Löwe! – heute: Muammar al Gaddafi


Oberst Gaddafi nimmt die somalischen Piraten in Schutz. Und weil wir mehr Platz haben als der Nachrichtensprecher am Radio Zeit, hier die schönsten Passagen aus dem Originalbericht der Daily Nation:

During the inaugural tour, Col Gaddafi revealed his plan for the next seasons, saying he doesn’t believe that Somalia piracy was a crime.

“It is a response to greedy Western nations, who invade and exploit Somalia’s water resources illegally,’’ he said.

“It is not a piracy, it is self defence. It is defending the Somalia children’s food,” Col Gaddafi argued.

He pointed out that some countries, particularly Western nations, were penetrating into a Somalia’s sovereign water territory, against the international law.

European, the US and China fleets are entering in the sovereign Somalia territory, because Africa doesn’t have strong and modern defence to push them back, Col Gaddafi said.

Nowadays, Somalis are reacting for justice and trying to defend their country against the unfair exploitation of resources, but Western countries have labelled it as piracy, Gaddafi explained.

Doch damit nicht genug. Der streitbare Oberst stachelt ganz Afrika an:
The long-serving Libyan leader said he planned to convince other African leaders to claim compensation from colonial masters for their crimes and exploitation during the colonial era. (…)

He said it was a time to ask Western world to pay for Africa’s past suffering and exploitation. (…)

“If they (Western nations) do not want to live with us fairly, it is our planet and they can go to other planet,” Gaddafi added.

Und wisst ihr was? Ich glaub, der Mann hat recht!

Tankt Tamoil

und lest das grüne buch!

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... sucht einen andern Planeten. Ich komm mit!

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