Abt. Tinner, Tinner & Tinner - heute: New York Times

10 Millionen Dollar war der CIA die Sabotagearbeit von T, T & T gegen Iran und Libyen wert, schrieb die New York Times gestern:

Over four years, several of these officials said, operatives of the C.I.A. paid the Tinners as much as $10 million, some of it delivered in a suitcase stuffed with cash. In return, the Tinners delivered a flow of secret information that helped end Libya’s bomb program, reveal Iran’s atomic labors and, ultimately, undo Dr. Khan’s nuclear black market. (...) European investigators discovered not only that the Tinners had spied for Washington, but that the men and their insider information had helped the C.I.A. sabotage atomic gear bound for Libya and Iran.
Und zerstört wurden die Akten über Tinners, um künftige Doppelagenten nicht abzuschrecken:
(...) the C.I.A. wanted to protect its methods for combating illicit nuclear trade. The C.I.A. also wanted to help the Tinners. “If a key source is prosecuted,” a former senior official involved in the case said, “what message does that send when you try to recruit other informants?”
Das bestätigt die Informationen, die Erich Schmidt-Eenboom im 10 vor 10 am 5. Juni publik machte. (via).

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