Abt. Politikwissenschaft - heute: Blocher-Gen gefunden

Nun ja, vielleicht nicht grad das Blocher-Gen, aber fast:

The decision to vote is partly genetic, according to a new study published in the American Political Science Review. The research, by James H. Fowler and Christopher T. Dawes, of the University of California, San Diego and Laura A. Baker, of the University of Southern California, is the first to show that genes influence participation in elections and in a wide range of political activities.
Und sie spekulieren sogar darüber, welche Gene mit dem Abstimmungsverhalten zu tun haben könnten:
A growing literature suggests that voter turnout is a prosocial behavior that is strongly influenced by other-regarding preferences (Edlin, Gelman, and Kaplan 2007; Fowler 2006a; Fowler and Kam 2007; Jankowski 2002, 2007). Given that polymorphisms of MAOA and 5HTT appear to influence antisocial behavior, we therefore hypothesize that they will also be associated with voting behavior.
Die Autoren werfen sich gar in Pose und behaupten quasi, sie hätten einen neuen politwissenschaftlichen Ansatz erfunden.
More broadly, these results represent an important step for political science as a discipline. Specifically, they show that incorporating genetic information into our theories and analysis may contribute to a greater understanding of political behavior. The environmentonly approach used for so long in political science has frequently conceptualized human behavior as a ‘‘blank slate’’ on which any tendencies could be drawn, regardless of the unique biology of each individual (Pinker 2003). However, the results presented here refute the blank slate theory of political behavior. Although the environment is extremely important for turnout and other political acts, perhaps even more so than genes, we can no longer act as if genes do not matter at all. Genetic differences are likely to have important consequences for a whole range of political behaviors.
Was macht jetzt Claude Longchamp? Wie lässt er bei seinen Orakeln die Gene der Wählenden / Abstimmenden in Zukunft einfliessen? Verlangen seine Befrager demnächst auch noch gleich eine Speichelprobe? Es wird soweit kommen! Garantiert! infamy lesen heisst, früher den Grund zur Panik kennen!

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