Abt. Genfood war gestern - Klonfood ist heute

Die <a href=www.washingtonpost.com target=_blank>Washington Post meldet heute:

Taking a long-awaited stand in an emotionally fraught food fight, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday released a 678-page analysis concluding that milk and meat from cloned animals pose no unique risks to consumers. The decision, subject to change after a period of public comment, stops short of approving the sale of food from clones and leaves in place for now a long-standing government request that farmers keep their clones off the market. But it represents a crucial milestone for the handful of biotechnology companies that see cloning as a welcome opportunity to sidestep the vagaries of sexual reproduction and instead mass-produce some of the nation's finest meat- and milk-producing animals.
"the vagaries of sexual reproduction"! Die Unwägbarkeiten der sexuellen Reproduktion. Ach, wer kennt die nicht aus nächster Nähe! Allerdings die wenigsten von uns wohl in Bezug auf Kühe etc....

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Februar 2025

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