Abt. Eine andere Welt ist möglich!

Nur mal so als Anregung für jene, die - zufrieden oder frustriert - meinen, es gäb keine Alternative zum bestehenden System, in dem wir leben: Try Participatory Economy (parecon)!

We decided a good economy would by its very operations promote rather than crush solidarity. (...) We decided a good economy would by its very operations promote rather than crush diversity. (...) We opted for the idea that if you work longer, doing something society wants, you should get more. If you work harder, doing something society wants, you should get more. If you work under worse conditions doing something society wants, you should get more. You do not get paid for property, power, or output. (...) each person should have a say in decisions in proportion to the degree he or she is affected by them. (...) We wanted economic activity to accomplish what self managing workers and consumers sought without wasting what they valued. We wanted pareconish efficiency. (...) A desirable economy, we decided, should only have workers, one class – or, what is the same thing, it should be classless. (...) Surgeons in a parecon will have a balanced job complex that conveys the same total empowerment and pleasure as the new pareconish job of the person who previously only cleaned up. (...) What we need in place of authoritarian central planning and competitive market allocation, is for informed self managed workers and consumers to cooperatively negotiate inputs and outputs.
Aus der <a href=www.zmag.org target=_blank>Präsentation von Michael Albert, einem der Väter des Konzeptes Parecon, anlässlich der Publikation seines Buches "<a href=www.buch.ch target=_blank>Parecon - Leben nach dem Kapitalismus" auf Deutsch in Hannover vor gut einem Jahr.

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