Abt. Eine gute und eine schlechte Nachricht

Die gute Nachricht zuerst:

NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- A study is about to give Madison Avenue a fresh pummeling: & Co. is telling a host of major marketers that by 2010, traditional TV advertising will be one-third as effective as it was in 1990. That shocking statistic, delivered to the company's Fortune 100 clients in a report on media proliferation, assumes a 15% decrease in buying power driving by cost-per-thousand rate increases; a 23% decline in ads viewed due to switching off; a 9% loss of attention to ads due to increased multitasking and a 37% decrease in message impact due to saturation.
Oder auf Deutsch: McKinsey macht seine Kunden darauf aufmerksam, dass wir, das Zielpublikum, die Schnauze voll haben von idiotischer Werbung im TV. Aus demselben Bericht gleich noch eine gute Nachricht:
And teens foretell an even more radical shift in future media consumption, the report points out: They spend less than half as much time watching TV as typical adults do. Teens also spend 600% more time online, surfing the web. According to Forrester Research's most recent North American Consumer Technology Adoption Study, people ages 18 to 26 spend more time online than watching TV and are adopting new technology faster than any other generation.
Die schlechte Nachricht? Gibt keine. Sorry. Höchstens die: McKinsey rät seiner Kundschaft, dem obersten Marketingheini, dem Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), mehr Macht zu geben:
"We see many, many leading organizations across industries realizing they need to systematically improve their commercial effectiveness," Mr. French said. "And the logical candidate for driving that is the CMO."
Aber solange denen nix Besseres einfällt, ist auch diese schlechte Nachricht eine gute...

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