Abt. Wer steckt hinter... YouTube?

Ein Interview dazu ist zu finden in der jüngsten Ausgabe von "Inside the Net", in welcher Amber McArthur den CTO von YouTube trifft zum Palaver, Steve Chen. Über Chen & Co steht hier:

YouTube’s founders, who snared $3.5 million in funding from Sequoia, say the VC firm has been hands off. At YouTube’s offices in San Mateo, Calif., employees shout across the room to each other when they see a cool new video on the network. Music plays out from employees’ terminals and the air hockey games are loud. Founders Chad Hurley, 29, and Steve Chen, 27, have been busy hiring even younger people than themselves - including a 23-year-old just out of college. Hurley and Chen started building their company the same night last year they came up with the idea - when they realized how hard it was to share videos they took at a party. Now, YouTube is hosting 10 million videos being viewed each day. "There’s a fervor, a willingness to take a risk - to throw two or three months into something to see if it works," explained Chen of their fast start.

Schon lustig, aber...

...was sich aber seit den 90ern nicht geändert hat, ist das Geschäftsmodell: Mehr oder weniger coole Idee haben, so viel VC wie möglich ergaunern, den Dienst kostenlos anbieten, andere Leute den Content kostenlos generieren lassen und beten, dass man überlebt, bis einen Yahoo, Google oder MS zu einem horrenden Preis aufkaufen.

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