patpatpat, 24. Februar 2006 um 21:26:58 MEZ Abt. Al Quakida - Wie tut Vogelgrippe? Gar nicht gut. Nach 10 Tagen bist Du tot. Lohnt sich nicht, auszuprobieren. Wer mehr wissen will: Gemäss der Darstellung der WHO-Fachleute im New England Journal of Medicine etwa so... Most patients have initial symptoms of high fever (typically a temperature of more than 38°C) and an influenza-like illness with lower respiratory tract symptoms. Upper respiratory tract symptoms are present only sometimes. Unlike patients with infections caused by avian influenza A (H7) viruses, patients with avian influenza A (H5N1) rarely have conjunctivitis. Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pleuritic pain, and bleeding from the nose and gums have also been reported early in the course of illness in some patients. Watery diarrhea without blood or inflammatory changes appears to be more common than in influenza due to human viruses and may precede respiratory manifestations by up to one week. One report described two patients who presented with an encephalopathic illness and diarrhea without apparent respiratory symptoms.
Lower respiratory tract manifestations develop early in the course of illness and are usually found at presentation. In one series, dyspnea developed a median of 5 days after the onset of illness (range, 1 to 16). Respiratory distress, tachypnea, and inspiratory crackles are common. Sputum production is variable and sometimes bloody. Almost all patients have clinically apparent pneumonia; radiographic changes include diffuse, multifocal, or patchy infiltrates; interstitial infiltrates; and segmental or lobular consolidation with air bronchograms. Radiographic abnormalities were present a median of 7 days after the onset of fever in one study (range, 3 to 17). In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, multifocal consolidation involving at least two zones was the most common abnormality among patients at the time of admission. Pleural effusions are uncommon. Limited microbiologic data indicate that this process is a primary viral pneumonia, usually without bacterial suprainfection at the time of hospitalization.
Progression to respiratory failure has been associated with diffuse, bilateral, ground-glass infiltrates and manifestations of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In Thailand, the median time from the onset of illness to ARDS was 6 days (range, 4 to 13). Multiorgan failure with signs of renal dysfunction and sometimes cardiac compromise, including cardiac dilatation and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, has been common. Other complications have included ventilator-associated pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, pneumothorax, pancytopenia, Reye's syndrome, and sepsis syndrome without documented bacteremia. (...) Death has occurred an average of 9 or 10 days after the onset of illness (range, 6 to 30), and most patients have died of progressive respiratory failure. via fluwiki
voxmacchiato, 24.02.06, 21:40
More or less bestätigt
...diese Darstellung die online-Antworten von Radio Beromünster auf die entsprechenden FAQ: Was Sie über die Vogelgrippe wissen sollten: ... Link
gaucho, 24.02.06, 21:47
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Ist mein Computer vor dem Virus geschützt, wenn ich via Internet Fotos von (toten) Vögeln anschaue? ... link
voxmacchiato, 24.02.06, 21:56
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