Novartis targets youth with banned doping substance

Weil nicht alle einen Newsvine-Account haben, hier die englische Variante als crossposting...:

Although containing 7% nikethamide, a substance on the 2006 list of prohibited ingredients of the World Anti-Doping Agency, the swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, has started in Switzerland a new marketing campaign to relaunch a drug called "Gly-Coramin". The campaign targets specifically a younger audience. The responsible PR-company ViznerBorel declared in a press-release announcing its winning of the budget, that Novartis wants to "relaunch Gly-Coramin" as a "cult-energyprovider of a young and sportive target group". I found this billboard (although small) not more than 50 meters away from a school in Basel (location). The almost illegible fineprint on the bottom of it says: "Gly-Coramin can test positive in a anti-doping control". The big letters instead say: "MORE ENERGY. When phisically exhausted, Gly-Coramin gives energy, activates breathing and stimulates the circulation (of the blood). Available in pharmacys and drugstores". According to the accompanying declaration, each Gly-Coramin, packaged and tasting like a candy, consists of 125 mg Nikethamid, 600 mg Glucose as starch sirup, 1,1 g Saccharose and flavor. So it's basically 1,7 g sugar and 125mg doping substance (7%). The leaflet inside the package says: "Not to be taken under the age of 16."

Now please, Daniel Vasella, CEO of Novartis, explain this - in my humble opinion - irresponsible campaign to your shareholders and the public on february 28 at the annual general meeting!

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Sperrfrist: 02.09.24, 09:53


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