musterkapitalistische Buddhisten

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Gods and Mammon

(...) We find that Buddhism is the religion with the most pro-free market attitudes. Buddhists are strongly in favour of competition and private property, and are even willing to trade off some equality for better incentives. Christian religions are the second most capitalist. Both Catholics and Protestants are in favour of competition and private property (the former more than the latter). The Protestants also show some willingness to trade off equality for incentives, though Catholics do not.

Hindus and Jews exhibit mixed attitudes. Hindus seem to be very much against competition, but are in favour of private property and willing to trade off equality for incentives. By contrast, Jews are in favour of competition, but are more against private property and less willing to trade off equality for incentives. Finally, Islam appears as the religion least conducive to capitalism. Muslims are very much against competition, against private property and less willing to trade off equality for incentives. But it is not impossible for capitalism to succeed in Muslim countries, as Indonesia and Malaysia show. (...)

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