Abt. Spam of the day

Sehr geehrte Film- und Medienschaffende Anbei (antipiracy_6_8_2005 (application/pdf, 236 KB) ) erhalten Sie eine Einladung zur Präsentation über Filmpiraterie im Schweizer Film- und Musikbusiness, die am diesjährigen Filmfestival in Locarno stattfinden wird. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Roger Chevallaz, Natel: 079 / 123 45 67. Mit besten Grüssen, Nicole Fries, Publicity Fox-Warner, a joint-venture operation of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Warner Bros. (Transatlantic), Inc.

Einer der das ganz anders sieht, ist der US-Multimilliardär Mark Cuban (nomen est... omen?): "Hollywood is lying!" shouts Mark Cuban. But what is he talking about? He's talking about piracy. Cuban states that there is no direct way to stop piracy, and the whole "Hollywood loosing billions of dollars a year" is just a lie! Mark states that if they used the same money they do to stop piracy to find new distributing mechanisms, they'll get much much more out of it. Of course, everything Cuban has done has either resulted in him becoming a millionaire or him becoming a millionaire, so there's no arguing.

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Sperrfrist: 02.09.24, 09:53


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Februar 2025

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