Abt. "I won't do what you tell me!"

Audioslave (RATM - Zack + Soundgarden-Cornell) spielten am Freitag ein Gratiskonzert in Havanna.

BBC Vast speakers were set up along the Havana seafront in preparation for what Audioslave said would be the loudest and longest concert ever heard in Cuba. (...) Perhaps the biggest surprise surrounding the concert is that it is been licensed by the US authorities. Under President Bush, cultural exchanges with Cuba have been dramatically scaled back. But the organisers behind this concert believe they got the go-ahead because both the Cuban and the US governments thought that this was their opportunity to reach out to Cuba's youth.

Hm?! Bush und Castro benutze Audioslave je als U-Boot? Was für eine raffinierte, doppelbödige Strategie...?!?!

hm, interessanter ansatz von der bush-regierung... sollten die nicht eher britney spears oder so jemanden da hinschicken? wenn man schon sein system dorthin verkaufen will...

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