the First iPod

Der "International Herald Tribune" verrät heute teilweise, was George W. Bush in seinem iPod mit sich rumträgt:

First, Bush's iPod is heavy on traditional country singers like George Jones, Alan Jackson and Kenny Chesney. He has selections by the folk-rock singer Van Morrison, whose "Brown-Eyed Girl" is a Bush favorite, and by John Fogerty, most predictably "Centerfield," which was played at Texas Rangers games when Bush was an owner and is still played at ballfields all over America. (...) Bush has had his $300 Apple iPod since last July, when he received it from his twin daughters as a birthday gift. He has some 250 songs on it, a paltry number compared to the 10,000 selections it can hold. Bush, as leader of the free world, does not take the time to download the music himself; that task falls to his personal aide, Blake Gottesman, who buys individual songs and albums, including greatest hits by Jones and Jackson, from the iTunes music store. (...) As for an analysis of Bush's playlist, Levy of Rolling Stone started out with this: "One thing that's interesting is that the president likes artists who don't like him." Levy was referring to Fogerty, who was part of the anti-Bush "Vote for Change" concert tour across the United States last fall. (...) Meanwhile, Levy sized up the rest of the president's playlist. (...) "This is basically boomer rock 'n' roll and more recent music out of Nashville made for boomers. It's safe, it's reliable, it's loving. What I mean to say is, it's feel-good music. The Sex Pistols it's not."

Und wir erfahren im Vorbeigehen auch gleich, wie Bushs "personal aide" heisst: Blake Gottesman.


"Brown Eyed Girl" vom Van hab ich auf meinem (Motorola-Handy) auch drauf. Gibts eine Kur für mich?

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Sag Joliejolle,

sie müsse die Haare blondieren. Einen anderen Ausweg gibt's nicht!

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Ihre Augen sind doch ohnehin so blau wie der schöne Caumasee, den wir einst besungen, als uns die Alpenarena noch Geld gab dafür.

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Zugegeben, das war

jetzt ein Schnellschuss. Irgendwie dachte ich bei "brown eyed girl" an Brunette. Ich konnte mir die Präsenz dieses Songs in deinem Handy wohl nur so erklären, dass Joliejolle eine solche ist, eine Brunette. Was natürlich insofern völlig falsch ist, als eyed "beäugt" heisst und nicht behaart. Bei braunen - oder auch blauen - AUGEN nützt Wasserstoffperoxid natürlich gar nix, resp. brennt höchstens in denselben. Kurz: Ich weiss auch keinen Ausweg

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