Abt. Rückeroberung

Heute: Die Berglöwen (Pumas) holen sich Iowa!
(<a href=www.washingtonpost.com target=_blank>Washington Post) State records show that mountain lions disappeared from Iowa in 1867. But with increasing and unnerving regularity, the ambush predator -- which will kill and eat house pets, livestock and humans but much prefers deer -- is back on the prowl, in Iowa and across the Midwest. It is turning up on farms, in suburbs and even in occasional appearances downtown. (...) The presence of the mountain lions, many of which have been found with freshly killed deer in their stomachs, is a startling signal that modern suburban and exurban America -- without intending to do so -- has transformed itself into superb wildlife habitat. With deer nearly everywhere, the big cats, it seems, are finding haute cuisine in the land of big-box stores. Last year, one ran through downtown Omaha. Last month, one was shot in the suburbs of Sioux City.

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