Montag, 17. April 2006

Abt. Geldanlage

Wohin mit dem Geld, wenn der Dieter B. grad nicht mehr will, genau, "Anlegen wie die gute alte Swissair" ... z.B. in Immobilien in Tansania:

(...) Wie der Liquidator weiter mitteilte, konnten aus dem Verkauf von Liegenschaften im Ausland weitere Vermögenswerte für die SAir Group und die Swissair gelöst werden. Es handelt sich um Stockwerkeigentum in der argentinischen Hauptstadt Buenos Aires (Erlös von 2,65 Millionen Franken) sowie Liegenschaften in Grossbritannien (2,27 Millionen Franken) und Tansania (240’940 Franken). (sbm/sda)

Ob sich das wohl gelohnt hat?

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Bush will als Grande Finale "den Iran retten"

Seymour Hersh im "The New Yorker" von heute:

The Bush Administration, while publicly advocating diplomacy in order to stop Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon, has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and intensified planning for a possible major air attack. Current and former American military and intelligence officials said that Air Force planning groups are drawing up lists of targets, and teams of American combat troops have been ordered into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups. The officials say that President Bush is determined to deny the Iranian regime the opportunity to begin a pilot program, planned for this spring, to enrich uranium. American and European intelligence agencies, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.), agree that Iran is intent on developing the capability to produce nuclear weapons. But there are widely differing estimates of how long that will take, and whether diplomacy, sanctions, or military action is the best way to prevent it. Iran insists that its research is for peaceful use only, in keeping with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and that it will not be delayed or deterred. There is a growing conviction among members of the United States military, and in the international community, that President Bush’s ultimate goal in the nuclear confrontation with Iran is regime change. Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has challenged the reality of the Holocaust and said that Israel must be “wiped off the map.” Bush and others in the White House view him as a potential Adolf Hitler, a former senior intelligence official said. “That’s the name they’re using. They say, ‘Will Iran get a strategic weapon and threaten another world war?’ ” A government consultant with close ties to the civilian leadership in the Pentagon said that Bush was “absolutely convinced that Iran is going to get the bomb” if it is not stopped. He said that the President believes that he must do “what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do,” and “that saving Iran is going to be his legacy.
Und da ist der Artikel for the record mal beiseite gelegt: hersh-zu-iran (application/pdf, 126 KB) Und so referiert ihn die NZZ.

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Abt. doppelte Verneinung

Novartis Jahresbericht '05, Englische Version, S. 77, Bericht von PricewaterhouseCoopers über das Verhalten der Firma in Sachen "Corporate Citizenship":

In our opinion and based both on our work described in this Report and the principles detailed in paragraph 2 of this Assurance Report, nothing has come to our attention that causes us not to believe that:
PWC hat also nichts gefunden, was Anlass gibt, nicht zu glauben, dass... Und dann folgt eine Aufzählung dessen, was Novartis sich vorgenommen hat, richtig zu machen. Interessante Formulierung. Müsste ein Prüfer nicht rausfinden, dass die zu Prüfende ihre Vorsätze einhält? Und nicht nicht rausfinden, dass es keinen Grund gibt zu glauben, dass sie ihre Vorsätze nicht einhält? Oder bin ich erkenntnistheoretisch mal wieder schief gewickelt? Hilfe!

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