Sonntag, 25. September 2005

Abt. Pro und Contra

Gestern Samstag protestierten in Washington 100'000 gegen den Irakkrieg, heute 400 dafür.

(<a target=_blank>yahoo) About 400 people gathered near a stage on an eastern segment of the mall, a large patchwork American flag serving as a backdrop. Amid banners and signs proclaiming support for U.S. troops, several speakers hailed the effort to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and denounced those who protest it. Many demonstrators focused their ire at Cindy Sheehan, the California woman whose protest near President Bush's Texas home last summer galvanized the anti-war movement. Sheehan was among the speakers at Saturday's rally near the Washington Monument on the western part of the mall, an event that attracted an estimated 100,000 people. (...) National polls have found steadily declining support for the war in Iraq, with a majority of Americans now believing the war was a mistake. In an AP-Ipsos poll this month, only 37 percent approved or leaned toward approval of how Bush has handled the situation in Iraq; strong disapproval outweighed strong approval by 2-1, 46 percent to 22 percent.

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Abt. Jugendschutz

(Basler Papiermühle/Schweizerisches Museum für Papier, Schrift und Druck)

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Abt. Bedienungsanleitung

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