Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2004

Mac OS 7.0 rocks...

Hier kannst Du im Browser mit einem Mac mit System 7.0 rumspielen, inklusive TETRIS (remember AZ?)!!!

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Zweifel an Berg's Tötungsvideo

(al jazeera) ... There are plenty of questions raised concerning the video too. The body is completely motionless even as the knife is brought to bear – not so much as an instinctive wriggle. More graphically, some claim that cutting the throat's artery would cause a significant amount of blood to gush out. But little emerges and when the head was raised – not a drop of blood is seen to fall. In a possible explanation, one discussion room member suggested that Berg was killed and then beheaded later. (...)

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Für die Kaffeekasse:
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