Donnerstag, 8. April 2004

Abt. Rauhe Sitten XXIV

(Aljazeera) Flies buzzed over the body of a middle-aged man with a mustache, shot in the neck by marines after he fired a RPG at them across the industrial wasteland of garages, factories and metal shops.

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Saraya al Mujaheddin: "Heute gibt's Geiseln zum Z'nacht"

(La Repubblica) 15.25 - Il comunicato di Saraya al Mujaheddin (Brigate Mujaheddin) è durissimo. "Vogliamo comunicarvi che tre dei vostri figli sono nostri prigionieri e vi diamo due possibilità: ritirate le vostre forze dal nostro paese e andate a casa oppure li bruceremo vivi e li daremo in pasto ai combattenti", hanno detto i rapitori.

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Abt. unfriendly fire

(Aljazeera) Doctors in Falluja want the siege on the town lifted for shifting patients with serious injuries even as brutal street battles rage. Two hundred and eighty people have been killed since the start of the siege and 400 more injured, said Tahr al-Issawi, the director of Falluja's hospital on Thursday. (...) Clinics in the town, 65km west of Baghdad, are struggling to treat victims of the US attacks, said Aljazeera's correspondent Ahmad Mansur. US helicopters and snipers are firing on ambulances and civilian vehicles trying to take the wounded to clinics or the hospital, the correspondent said.

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Abt. Geiselnahme II

Aljazeera television has aired a videotape showing three Japanese citizens it said were captured by a previously unknown Iraqi group that vowed to kill them if Tokyo does not withdraw its troops.

Das hatten wir doch eben...

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Don't mess with them...

US-Truppen in Fallujah.
chin. Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua

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Internet sucks...

"Einen Strich durch die Rechnung machte den Veranstaltern das Internet. Es hatte den Geist aufgegeben." Der heutige "Baslerstab" über Anlaufprobleme bei der grossen Basler Tutanchamun-Ausstellung.

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Bushs Gesicht aus gefallenen US-Soldaten

Zu finden auf Michael Moores Homepage.

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Kanada verbietet Gehhilfen für Babys

Das ist laut der BBC in Kanada vom Gesundheitsminister Pierre Pettigrew höchstselbst verboten worden. Grund: "The most common accident occurs when babies fall down stairs. There have also been reports of infants being able to reach dangerous objects that would otherwise have been out of their reach, said the minister." Da wüsst ich aber auch noch die eine oder andere zusätzliche Sache, die diese Kriterien erfüllt und also verboten gehört. Vielleicht wär's einfacher, gleich Treppen zu verbieten?

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April 2004

Für die Kaffeekasse:
Abt. Keintunnel Nicht
vergessen, die Auto-Nerds wollen Milliarden in den Autobahnbau verlochen. Das ist sowas...
by bagger (02.09.24, 09:53)
Abt. Witz des Tages "Es
soll sogar prominente Klimakleber geben, die Flugreisen nicht grundsätzlich ablehnen,...
by bagger (15.06.24, 18:30)
Abt. Wohnschutz schützen Wenn die
Investoren husten, haben Basels Bürgerliche Grippe In einem beispiellosen Akt...
by bagger (15.06.24, 10:21)
Abt. Leckerschlecker The DEA
Northeast Laboratory (New York, New York) recently received a submission of...
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 12:06)
Abt. Wo-Wo-Wochenschau!
Männiglich fragte sich, was eigentlich Fonzis Leihkampffisch so macht. Die Antwort (oben) entnehmen...
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 12:04)
Abt. Schuss des Tages
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 12:02)
Abt. infamous Shooting
Foto: Fonzi Tromboni Gestern abend war grosses Fotoshooting im Studio zu Sankt...
by fuzzy (26.02.24, 11:55)
Abt. Keintunnel CH
Mehr Infos hier:
by bagger (23.09.23, 11:32)