Sonntag, 1. Februar 2004

«Human-to-human transmission is one possible explanation»

Igitt: Die WHO meldet heute aus Viet Nam zwei Verdachtsfälle von tödlicher Vogelgrippe-Ansteckung von Mensch zu Mensch: The two deaths announced today were in sisters, aged 23 and 30 years. Both women fell ill on 10 January, were admitted to hospital on 13 January, and died on 23 January. (...) The two sisters who died are part of a cluster of four cases of severe respiratory illness in a family from Thai Binh province. The cluster includes the two sisters, their brother, and his wife, who has fully recovered. The brother was hospitalized in Hanoi with a severe respiratory illness on 7 January and died on 12 January. (...) In the current family cluster of cases in Viet Nam, WHO considers that limited human-to-human transmission, from the brother to his sisters, is one possible explanation. The investigation failed to reveal a specific event, such as contact with infected poultry or an environmental source, that might explain the source of infection in these cases.

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Februar 2004

Für die Kaffeekasse:
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