Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2003

$87 Milliarden, bitte!

Wohin das Geld, das Bush junior will, u.a. fliessen soll, laut Senator Ted Kennedy: $400 million for maximum-security prisons. That's $50,000 a bed. $800 million for international police training for 1,500 officers. That's $530,000 an officer. (...) $164 million to develop a curriculum for training Iraqi soldiers. Why does it cost that much to develop a curriculum? (...) It is more than the combined budget deficits of all 50 states for 2004. It is 87 times what the federal government spends annually on after-school programs. It is 2 years worth of unemployment benefits. It is enough to pay each of the 3.3 million people who have lost their jobs in the past three years more than $25,000. It is 7 times what President Bush proposed to spend on education for low-income schools in 2004. It is 9 times what the federal government spends on special education each year. It is 8 times what the government spends on Pell Grants to help middle and low-income students go to College. And it is larger than the total economy of 166 nations.

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Abt. Behind every great man...

"If you don't vote for Arnold, it's totally cool with me! Because I'll get him back fulltime, and the kids will get him back fulltime. But it'll be the state's loss. (...) Vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger, wether you can spell it or not!"

Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger
, Nachrichtenredaktorin / Korrespondetin bei NBC

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