Samstag, 6. September 2003

Warum man mit Mariner schreiben soll

Aus dem Newsletter von Mariner Software, also denen, die Mariner Write gemacht haben, ein infamerprobt und für einwandfrei befundenes Textprogramm, mit dem sich die Artikel wie von selbst schreiben. Gezeichnet ist der Letter von Logan Ryan, der am übermächtigen Konkurrenten Microsoft aber auch gar kein gutes Haar lässt:

How EXPOSED are you? Do you or someone you know use Microsoft Word? Ever exchange Word documents with a business associate or friend? Most word processors are "WYSIWYG" or "What you see is what you get". But in fact, it is what you don't see that may be embarrassing or even dangerous. (...) Can't happen to you? Guess again. -The BBC reported the British government suffered an embarrassment earlier this year after the authors of a controversial dossier on Iraq were identified by examining the information contained in a Word version of the file. -During last year's hunt for the Washington D.C. sniper the police allowed the Washington Post to publish a letter sent to the police that included incriminating names and telephone numbers. (...) For the record, Mariner Write and Mariner Calc DO NOT embed hidden data. Any edited Mariner document is completely safe. Try them for yourself at

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(CNN) Germany has protested to Italy over a winery that labels its bottles with portraits of Adolf Hitler, the Justice Ministry said. Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries recently wrote to her Italian counterpart to say the labels are "contemptible and tasteless" and asked him to see what could be done against them, spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said Friday. The so-called "Fuehrerwein" bottles, part of Alessandro Lunardelli's "historic line," features 14 different labels portraying Hitler and other Nazis, with slogans such as "Seig Heil."
Lunardelli hat auch noch andere im Sortiment:

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