Abt. Xiao Yu revisited

<a href=www.nytimes.com target=_blank>Sigg in NYT...

One of the artworks in the show caused a brief tumult. After a Swiss museumgoer filed a complaint, curators last week removed a 1999 piece consisting of a specimen jar containing the head of a human fetus sewn to the body of a seagull. According to the museum catalog, the work, by Xiao Yu, was intended to "provoke the viewer into reflecting on the absurdity of life." (...) Mr. Sigg, 59, first went to China in 1980 as a young businessman representing the Schindler Elevator Company, helping to negotiate the first international trade agreement in China in the very early days of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms. Fifteen years later he was named Swiss ambassador to China, North Korea and Mongolia in recognition of his background in Asian affairs. "I never in my life thought for five seconds of ever becoming a diplomat," said Mr. Sigg, who is now the deputy chairman of the Ringier media group. "But when the offer came, "I thought, 'Why not?' "

...und auf <a href=www.drs.ch target=_blank>DRS2.

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